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文| 愛德仁協會



owl2009 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()




owl2009 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I am very pleased to hear that 宜蘭縣愛德仁協會 is going to celebrate its establishment today. As we all know that there are many programs or services already being developed to serve children with 肯納症. However, there is a lack of programs or services that are developed to serve adolescents and adults with肯納症. While I personally have begun to help the societies to rethink that 肯納症 is NOT a “disorder,” the reality is that our society is not ready to accept such individuals as just a minority group living in our society. Hence, these individuals being labeled as having 肯納症 are facing tremendous daily difficulties and hardship. Without special supports and helps, these individuals, particularly those who are out of the school programs are living a miserable life every day.   

Some evidences from other countries have shown that these individuals with adequate training and support are capable of learning to live relatively normal daily routines and to work on certain jobs. It is hope that 宜蘭縣愛德仁協會 will be the first agency that proves we have been wrong for many years and that these individuals can be just like us and also can significantly contribute to our society.

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